It’s not that hard, like at all. And relatively cheap. If you have a life jacket, access to water and a kayak (if you do not own one there’s kayak rental shops everywhere) you now have the ability to be closer to the water than ever...no pun intended.
If you don’t mind waking up before sunrise, or paddling just before sundown, there’s a world of sounds, lighting and peacefulness to enjoy. Bringing along a fishing rod can spice up your paddle with a little adrenaline when your line starts peelin. Fishing out of a kayak can be stressful at first, but once you understand the simplicity of things, and you don’t try to over complicate what you’re doing (wetting a line..) it’s pretty unreal.
When you have a larger fish hooked up your kayak will literally start to get pulled around. Don’t forget to be aware of your surroundings as fish tend to pull towards cover. You really don’t want your line getting tangled in a fallen tree when you’re reeling in the fish of a lifetime. ONE MORE THING, bring pliers, extra hooks and extra bait. The last thing you want to do is get snagged an hour paddle from home and loose your tackle.
So, do you have what it takes you become closer to water?